Trendy w technologii i mediach na 2024, zmiany priorytetów i czy CEO jedzą szkło?
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Trendy: Technologia i Media na 2024
Kiedy stosować model Usage Based Pricing, a kiedy Subskrypcje?
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Trendy: Technologia i Media na 2024
Czwarty kwartał, czas raportów o trendach na kolejny rok. Tym razem cytowany przeze mnie rok do roku Technology & Media Outlook 2024:
Consumer Time and Attention: Activate’s analysis of consumer technology and media activity shows that multitasking leads to a nearly 32-hour day for the average American, with over 13 hours spent using technology and media. By 2027, we project that time spend with technology and media will increase by 12 minutes a day.
Generative AI: Today, over 10M U.S. adults begin their web search with generative AI; this will grow to 90M by 2027, promising to reshape the largest technology businesses. Generative AI will supercharge the productivity of consumers who use it across media, work, and other daily habits, bringing paradigm shifts across content creation, enterprise, and search. The generative AI playing field will not be limited to the major technology players, particularly with the rise of open-source AI models opening the door for new, smaller entrants.
eCommerce: Global eCommerce will reach nearly $10T by 2027, growing over twice as fast as physical retail. eCommerce is a marketplace business, with an increasing number of online retailers launching their own marketplaces to enhance their customer value proposition and capitalize on the retail media opportunity. eCommerce enablement solutions will continue to drive growth across eCommerce. While Amazon continues to be the top online shopping discovery source across age groups, TikTok is quickly emerging as one of the most popular sources among younger consumers.
B2B and Enterprise Software: By 2027, we forecast that global B2B technology spend will reach $3.5T. This growth will be driven by industry players developing solutions to solve historically unresolved pain points across IT processes and functional business challenges. This change is enabled in part by AI-based innovations, including LLMs, GPU compute, and connectivity, from major technology companies and a new generation of innovators.
Spatial Computing: Spatial Computing will break free from the constraints of headsets as all screens will become spatially-enabled devices — technology for people to interact with the three- dimensional space around them. Today’s spatial technology experiences will evolve, becoming integrated across all aspects of daily life. (…)
Social Video: TikTok will strengthen its position as the market leader in social video, expanding its use cases to web search and eCommerce. TikTok accounts for the most consumer time spent with social video, rivaling other major platforms.
Video: Streaming continues to grow at the expense of traditional television, but competition for user time, attention, and subscriptions will intensify. To sustain growth and enhance monetization, streaming services will place a greater emphasis on ad-supported tiers and bundling, have no choice but to continue to spend on entertainment and sports programming, crackdown on password sharing, and focus on international markets. As the cable bundle unwinds, we expect a new wave of bundling from aggregators.
Music and Podcasts: YouTube and TikTok are now the top discovery sources for music, while radio (surprisingly) has shown staying power. AI will transform music discovery and consumption from individualized music recommendations to fully personalized listening experiences. A sizable share of music listeners will be creators, with many using AI-enabled tools. The music industry will take strong steps to protect its artists as rogue AI clones known artists’ style, compositions, and voices.
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Kiedy stosować model Usage Based Pricing, a kiedy Subskrypcje?
O tym, że lubię, jak działa i kiedy ma sens model biznesowy Usage Basem Pricing pisałałem od lat i wielokrotnie, choćby tutaj:

Generative AI, model biznesowy Usage Based Pricing i budowanie przewagi konkurencyjnej za pomocą AI
Dla przypomnienia:
Co to takiego Usage-Based Pricing?
Usage-based pricing to model cenowy oparty na poziomie konsumpcji, w którym klienci są obciążani kosztami tylko wtedy, gdy korzystają z produktu lub usługi. Zazwyczaj klient jest rozliczany na koniec cyklu rozliczeniowego.
W modelu cenowym “flat fee”, czy opartym na subskrypcji, użytkownik jest obciążany opłatą niezależnie od tego, jak często korzysta z usługi.
Dopiero teraz przeczytałem o dobrym modelu do podejmowania decyzji o tym, kiedy użyć modelu UBP, a kiedy modelu Subskrypcyjnego.
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