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Trendy na rynku Marketplace
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Trendy na rynku Marketplace
Model Marketplace dla przypomnienia:
An online marketplace is a type of e-commerce site that connects those looking to provide a product or service (sellers) with those looking to buy that product or service (buyers). These buyers and sellers may have had trouble finding each other before, and thus the marketplace creates efficiency in an otherwise inefficient market.
Posiada dwie zasadnicze cechy:
Marketplaces aggregate many sellers and their inventory
What sets a marketplace apart from a standard e-commerce site is that the goods and services are supplied by a third party. In most cases, the marketplace platform acts as a type of digital middleman.
The independence of suppliers is an increasingly grey area when it comes to service marketplaces. Most on-demand service marketplaces like Uber, Handy, and Postmates stress the independence of their workforce, while other startups like Munchery in San Francisco and MyClean in New York switched to full-time employees, in order to gain more control over the customer experience.
Marketplaces include a transaction element
A marketplace differs from a listing site by taking care of at least part of the transaction between buyer and seller. A true marketplace like eBay and Uber manages the entire transaction, from listing to payment processing (with the service and goods delivered offline).
W raporcie The State of Marketplaces od Battery jest kilka interesujących wniosków:
Efficiency Drives Superior Returns
Businesses that prioritize efficiency (e.g., a combination of profitability and revenue growth) are valued at higher multiples to their peers in public markets. At the growth stage, it’s important to be mindful of unit economics at both the order and market levels. Companies should ensure there is a clear path to profitability, especially for the most mature cohorts.
Layer on Higher-Margin, Recurring Software Products
Reaching a certain level of network density (supply, demand, data) allows for the introduction of more profitable and recurring software products. This is important to increase customer retention, drive higher average order values (AOVs) and expand gross margins.
Lean Into Viral / Product-Led Growth Loops
Overreliance on paid marketing can create a fragile business model. Integrate viral marketing and product growth loops to gain a structural advantage when it comes to acquiring customers and managing marketing costs.
Be Prepared For (and Leverage) the Power of Gen Al
Generative Al is poised to bring about fundamental and transformative change to marketplace experiences — for both supply and demand. It will be important for founders to integrate Al capabilities into their products to align with this evolving landscape.
Z samego raportu chcę jeszcze zwrócić Twoją uwagę na to jak jakościowo i szybko firmy podchodzą do wykorzystania contentu i starego dobrego Search z wykorzystaniem AI, aby po dużo niższych kosztach, ale dużo większej produktywności docierać lepiej do klientów.
“Nieokiełznany marketing” - to taki, w którym marki odbiegają od dopracowanego i idealnego podejścia w mediach społecznościowych na rzecz bardziej “prawdziwej”, naturalnej komunikacji w kontrze do sztywno zaprojektowanych kampanii prowadzonych przez “ludzi-roboty”, których zadaniem jest zbudować zasięg w ramach budżetu.
Przygotowania do zmian w Google Search pełną parą, bo razem z nimi zmienią się zachowania konsumentów - a za tym wiara, obawa i ciężka praca firm nad przygotowaniem do “nowego rozdania”.
Porady na 2024 w obszarze Marketplace:
Efficiency is still king.
For early-stage founders: Solve a particular problem in a narrow category. Regularly iterate through customer feedback and measure engagement, repeat rate and stickiness to prove product-market fit.
For growth-stage founders: Deeply understand “cohort profitability” and show a path to achieving positive unit economics.
Pre-IPO: Create optionality and demonstrate long-term viability by layering on higher-margin recurring software products. At the same time, continuously execute on a series of operational optimizations and remain focused on company-level profitability.
Consumer attention is becoming more expensive - lean into product-led / viral-growth loops and do not become too dependent on paid marketing.
Be disciplined about marketing spend as this has true implications to company culture, organizational structure, product roadmap and go-to-market (GTM) playbook.
Decreasing customer acquisition cost (CAC) is a powerful indicator of strengthening network effects. Ask yourself: Are you seeing leverage in your strategies over time?
Continue to explore the integration of generative Al to improve marketplace experiences.
Consider how you can use Al to streamline transactions, whether by increasing net-new supply, improving match rates or creating a more delightful customer experience. (…)
Zwracam uwagę na ten punkt, bo on jest relewantny niezależnie od obszaru i ma ogromne konsekwencje już dziś: Consumer attention is becoming more expensive. Atencja będzie jeszcze droższa, a konkurencja o nią jeszcze ostrzejsza.
Więcej w kontekście modelu Marketplace znajdziesz w wielu poprzednich wydaniach newslettera w ciągu ostatnich 5 lat (warto korzystać z wyszukiwarki):
Komu sprzedawać SaaS, ile kosztują ficzery, elementy dobrego marketplace i jak myśleć samodzielnie?
Lean Roadmapping
Tradycyjne roadmapy produktów są sztywne, nieprzystosowalne i pełne funkcji-widmo. Zmieniająca się sytuacja biznesowa i feedback od użytkowników nie uwzględniany, najczęściej robi się to, co karze HiPPO (Highest Paid Person Opinion). Dobrym lekarstwem na ten problem jest tzw. Lean Roadmapping i praca na roadmapie Next/Now/Later):
Lean Roadmapping to podejście do tworzenia planu produktu, które skupia się na:
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